Hoy es el día de los que viven la vida a su manera...
How do you define love? Is it mutual sacrifices? Or does it mean deep-diving into wild excitements and adventures? Could it be pursuing the impossible? Or, do you think, it means being attached to each other with an eternal devotion?
In fact, each and every love contains its own legend within itself, no matter how you define it. Each love has its own challenges, obstacles that should be overcome, happiness and unhappiness.
The silver screen always exhibits the best examples of those legends. However, there are certain films that even if years or centuries pass by, they remain as legends, and those films spring to mind when “love films” are mentioned.
We have summoned some of those legendary films for the 14th of February. If you wish to isolate yourself, even for a bit, from the red roses and heart-figures you bump into on each corner on the Valentine’s Day, it is time to surrender yourself to the legendary love stories of the cinema history together with your beloved, accompanied with your favorite blanket and hot chocolate.
Ilsa learns that her husband, whom, she thought, was dead, is alive. And in order to comply with her duty of loyalty to her husband, she leaves the love of her life, Rick. But Rick cannot learn the reason why he was left. Until he comes across Ilsa many years after at a bar in a very far city… Rick and Ilsa maintain their special position in people’s minds both with their story knitted with love, war and sacrifices, and as the coolest couple in the history of cinema.
Bonnie & Clyde
There’s no doubt that Bonnie and Clyde are the couple who deserves the title of “the legend”. The scenario of the film, which was released in 1967, is based on a true story. The film recounts the life story of Bonnie and Clyde, who fell in love and became the Robin Hoods of their era with their various crimes during the Great Depression, and it is as exciting as the couple’s true life story.
City of Angels
If we were to refer to the expression “There are no impossibilities for love” for a film, that film would be City of Angles. The film recounts the love affair between an angle of death and a surgeon. Struggling with all the impossibilities, Maggie and Seth take their place amongst the legendary couples with their deeply romantic and challenging story.
The Notebook
It wouldn’t be wrong to claim that everybody must have watched “The Notebook”. We could also claim that people must have watched it several times. Noah and Allie fall in love in a small town, and they do not give up on their love despite all the obstacles and being apart for many years. Their story is both an entertaining and also melancholic; and this film has become a real classic…
Cool, crazy, romantic or all of them? How do you experience love? No matter how you experience it, Welder Moody watches with new case size of 36 mm and 47 mm, suitable for all your beloved one’s, and your, moods, are available in Online Shop!

Ser una madre debe estar relacionado con la felicidad...
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Que comience la revitalización: ¡Bienvenida, Primavera!
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Entrevista a Beste Bereket
Sometimes i change my mind but nowadays i think it was Ophelia from Hamlet. There was a part that she got mad while going to suicide. It was really impressed me while i was acting and after… But i hope that i never be related to her.
Hoy es el día de los que viven la vida a su manera...
¿Cómo defines el amor? ¿Son sacrificios mutuos? ¿O significa sumergirse en la emoción salvaje y las aventuras? ¿Podría estar persiguiendo lo imposible? ¿O crees que el amor significa estar apegados unos a otros con una devoción eterna?
Vibras de verano llevadas por la brisa del Reloj Welder
El verano ha llegado, el clima es cálido y la naturaleza está despertando. ¡Es hora de disfrutar de las olas del océano! Si quieres descubrir un nuevo destino de verano, un sin fin de opciones están a la espera de ser descubiertas...
¡Desafía el tiempo con Welder The Bold!
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¡Welder Moody lanzado oficialmente en Italia!
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